The Rare Grevillea grows to a height and width of around 2 m with branches covered in soft hairs, with dense, alternately arranged, divided leaves up to 2.5 cm long with lobes 0.5-1 mm wide with revolute margins, and white to pale pink axillary or terminal flowers, which can appear from August to November, but most prominently in October (Brown et al. 1998; DEC 2009; Western Australian Herbarium 2020).
The species differs from its nearest relative, Grevillea curviloba (Curved-leaf Grevillea), in the fine hairs, which grow on branchlets and inflorescence stems, narrow leaf lobes, shorter pedicels, and unusual nectary (Olde & Marriot 1993).
Rare Grevillea |
Grevillea rara
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Grevillea rara
Threats The main threats to the Rare Grevillea are habitat loss; invasive species; disease and climate change (Table 2).
Climate change Increased intensity and Timing current The CSIRO Bureau of Meteorology (2015) frequency of bushfire Confidence inferred predict south western Western Australia will experience increased frequency and severity Consequence major of bushfires.
Identify and protect current and future habitat likely to remain or become suitable habitat due to climate change.
Weeds can Extent across the entire range exacerbate grazing pressure and increase the fire hazard due to the creation of higher than normal fuel loads (DEC 2009).
Trend increasing The Rare Grevillea is an obligate seeder and Extent across the entire range relies on recruitment from seed to recover from fire (DEC 2009).
Table 3 Rare Grevillea risk matrix Likelihood Consequences Not significant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic Almost certain Low risk Moderate risk Very high risk Very high risk Very high risk Likely Low risk Moderate risk High risk Very high risk Very high risk Competition Road; dam wall with invasive and firebreak weeds maintenance Increased intensity and frequency of bushfire Increased temperatures and change to precipitation patterns Possible Low risk Moderate risk High risk Very high risk Very high risk Inappropriate Inundation by fire regimes raising of the Dieback caused Harris River by P.