Tall Velvet Sea-berry  |  

Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina, Family Haloragaceae, also known as Tall Velvet Sea- berry, is a shrub growing to 1.5 metres, with a red, square-shaped stem that is covered with fine velvety hairs (Harden, 2002; DECC NSW, 2005a). It has narrow, opposite leaves which are 50Ð60 mm long, 6Ð8 mm wide, finely toothed and red to yellowish green (Queensland CRA/RFA Steering Committee, 1998; Harden, 2002; DECC NSW, 2005a). Flowers are small and are borne from January to April. Fruit are small and pear-shaped, and appear in April (Queensland CRA/RFA Steering Committee, 1998; DECC NSW, 2005a).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina

    The main potential threats to Haloragis exalata subsp. velutina include invasion of rainforest habitat by Lantana (Lantana camara) invasion of grassland habitat by exotic grasses Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) and African Lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) and inappropriate fire regimes (Queensland CRA RFA Steering Committee; 1998 DECC NSW; 2005a ANRA; 2007).