The Dergholm guinea-flower is a small, perennial shrub with branches up to 20 cm that grow horizontally and then rise at the tip (Toelken 1995). Branches bear simple or, rarely, star-shaped hairs below the flowers. Leaves are 4-14 mm long and 1-3 mm wide. Flowers are bright yellow, and borne at the end of a 4-7 mm long, thread-like stalk. Flower bears 1 or 2 bracts at the base or lower third of the stalk (Toelken 1995). The outer sepals are 3.3-3.6 mm long, 1.3-1.5 mm wide, sparsely covered with star-shaped hairs under scattered simple hairs (Toelken 1995).
This subspecies is distinguishable from other subspecies of Hibbertia humifusa in having outer sepals that are narrower than H. humifusa subsp. humifusa, and shorter sepals than H. humifusa subsp. erigens. Hibbertia humifusa subsp. erigens also has scattered star-shaped hairs on its branches while H. humifusa subsp. debilis does not (Toelken 1995).
Dergholm Guinea-flower |
Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Hibbertia humifusa subsp. debilis
Inappropriate fire regimes High frequency Potential Future Fire intervals shorter than the time taken to reach reproductive maturity may threaten population persistence (Carter et al.; 2006; DSE 2009).
Fire o Fire intervals shorter than the time taken to reach reproductive maturity may threaten population persistence (DSE 2009).