Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (J.R. Wheeler 2504) is an erect bushy shrub to 1.2 m with striking
silvery foliage. Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (J.R. Wheeler 2504) has elliptical leaves, concolorous with appressed-silvery-silky on both surfaces. Leaves are concolorous both fresh and dried. On dried specimens the sericeous hairs are very closely appressed and parallel, appearing almost matted. Flowers are yellow; the ovary has two carpels (Hibbertia argentea has three). The trunk can be up to 7 cm in diameter with rough, brown flaky bark.
Plants grow up to 1.2 m tall, 0.7x 0.7 m wide, however a range of size classes are present
either representing different recruitment events and/or grazing impacts and the majority of plants are <1.0 m tall (S. Barrett 2016).
Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (Hibbertia barrettiae) |
Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (Hibbertia barrettiae)
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Hibbertia sp. Toolbrunup (Hibbertia barrettiae)
These subpopulations are considered a single location as they both occur within the Stirling Range National Park and are subject to the same threatening processes including grazing; fire and dieback disease.
A projected decline in Subpopulation 2 is also expected due to the ongoing threat from grazing; dieback disease; fire and drought.
Five plants in sub population 1 were observed to have been killed by fire following the 1996 fire (Threatened flora records).
Fire Whole species Extreme Killed by fire and appears to regenerate from Past; present; future soil stored seed.
If fire frequency is increased the soil seed bank could be depleted before juvenile plants have reached maturity.
Drought Whole species Extreme The species occurs on skeletal soils making Past; present; future recruitment difficult and dependent on sufficient moisture as the seedlings roots need to grow through the scree layer to access moisture in the soil.