The Robust Coneflower is an open shrub and grows to 1.5 m high. Branchlets are red-brown to grey-brown in colour and minutely pubescent, and hairs are also present on leaves. Solitary flower heads are 38 mm in diameter, pink in colour and surrounded by long, narrow leaves in a cone-like formation. Flowers are pink and appear in September to October.
Robust Coneflower |
Isopogon robustus
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Isopogon robustus
Threats The key threats to the Robust Coneflower are mining and its associated exploration activities; and inappropriate fire regimes.
The main potential threat to the Robust Coneflower is inappropriate fire regimes.
Australian Government, Listing Advices, Isopogon robustus
Description of Threats The key threats to the Robust Coneflower are mining and its associated exploration activities; and inappropriate fire regimes.
Inappropriate fire regimes are a potential threat to the Robust Coneflower.