Kennedia retrorsa  |  

Kennedia retrorsa

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Kennedia retrorsa, Family Fabaceae, is a vigorous perennial climber or mat-like herb covered with rusty or white hairs, with leaves consisting of three broad-elliptic to obovate or circular leaflets. Flowers are bright pink-purple and borne in long racemes arising in the leaf axils and appear between September and December. Fruits appear between December and January. The species is likely to be fire sensitive (Leigh et al., 1984; Benson & McDougall, 1996; DECC, 2005).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Kennedia retrorsa

    The species is likely to be fire sensitive (Leigh et al.; 1984 Benson McDougall; 1996 DECC; 2005).

    Threats The main identified threats to K. retrorsa include grazing (Leigh et al.; 1984); habitat loss and fragmentation; and frequent fire (DECC; 2005).