Rufous Hare-wallaby (Bernier Island)  |  

Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

The Rufous Hare-Wallaby (Bernier Island) is a small macropod (1.5–2 kg, 30–40 cm tall) that is rufous coloured (grey-brown-orange). The average tail length is 27 cm. Longer hair occurs towards the back and below. Larger than the mainland subspecies, the Bernier Island subspecies has a shorter tail.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri

    The Rufous Hare wallaby (Bernier Island) is particularly susceptible to climatic events such as drought; fire and changes in rainfall.
    Threats The main identified threats to the Rufous Hare wallaby (Bernier Island) include habitat degradation grazing frequent and extensive wildfire and inbreeding depression due to the small population size and restricted distribution.

  • Australian Government, Listing Advice, Lagorchestes hirsutus bernieri

    Potential Potential threats include a major fire event; disease; development and the accidental introduction of feral predators (Richards; 2007).
    If a potential threat was to eventuate during prolonged drought (causing a population slump) the subspecies geographic distribution may contract rapidly.