Leionema lachnaeoides is a tall shrub growing up to 2 m high.
Leaves: The leaves are short, narrow, placed alternately along the stem, linear or cylindrical in shape, and usually tapered at the ends. The leaf margin is strongly recurved so that the lower surface is only just visible.
Flowers: The species produces a mass of small yellow flowers between winter and late spring. Flowers occur singly towards the end of branches and are radially symmetric in shape. They are bisexual and have five yellow petals, each approximately 5 mm long. The flowers contain 10 free stamens.
Fruit: Fruits are schizocarps, that is, dry fruits that split into individual units called cocci.
Seeds: The seeds are released on maturity of the fruit.
Leionema lachnaeoides |
Leionema lachnaeoides
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leionema lachnaeoides
As L. lachnaeoides is found within sclerophyllous vegetation it is prone to the impacts of inappropriate fire regimes (NSW NPWS 2001).
Fire Too frequent suspected Increased burning up slope may alter plant community and burning current habitat.