Leionema obtusifolium  |  

Leionema obtusifolium

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Leionema obtusifolium, Family Rutaceae, is a shrub growing to about 1 m high. Branchlets are hairless, glossy, minutely glandular-warty and often reddish, with prominent acute angles. Leaves are without stalks, papery, narrowly oval-shaped to spoon-shaped, 25Ð55 mm long, 3Ð 6 mm wide, smooth, glossy, and hairless. The apex is obtuse to rounded, the base narrow wedge-shaped, the margin slightly curved downwards, the midrib impressed above and prominent below. Flowers are in flat-topped inflorescences of 10Ð20 flowers at the ends of branches. The calyx is hemispherical, glossy and hairless, with broadly triangular lobes
0.25 mm long. The petals are about 4 mm long, gland-dotted, yellowish-white (Wilson, 1970). Flowering occurs in spring (Stanley & Ross, 1983). This species was previously known as Phebalium obtusifolium (Wilson, 1998).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leionema obtusifolium

    Threats The main identified threats to L. obtusifolium are loss or fragmentation of populations through vegetation clearing inappropriate fire regimes and habitat degradation through inappropriate forest operations and grazing regimes (Boyes; 2004b).