Leionema sympetalum, Family Rutaceae, also known as Rylstone Bell, is a shrub growing to 3 m high. Stems are angular with star-shaped hairs. Leaves are 1.5Ð3.5 cm long and 4Ð8 mm wide. Flowers are greenish-yellow, tubular, with stamens longer than the petals and occur in groups of 1Ð3 at the ends of branches. Fruit are 4 mm long and have erect lobes (cocci) that shatter when dry, releasing seeds (NSW NPWS, 2000a; DECC, 2005a). This species was first described in 1970 as Phebalium sympetalum (Wilson, 1970) and in 1998 was transferred into Leionema (Wilson, 1998).
Rylstone Bell |
Leionema sympetalum
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leionema sympetalum
Threats The main identified threats to Rylstone Bell include local extinction due to its small population; fragmentation and degradation of habitat; and inappropriate fire regimes (NSW NPWS; 2000a 2000b DECC; 2005a).