The Hoary Sunray is a low tufted to mounding perennial straw daisy. It grows to 15 cm tall and flowers in spring and summer. After flowering it dries out to rootstock. The flowerheads are 2-5 cm in diameter and surrounded by numerous white overlapping ovate-oblong bracts, with the outer layer often tinged purple or brown.
Hoary Sunray |
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Grassland Paper-daisy
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor
Climate Change Increasing frequency and Status current Climate projections for south eastern intensity of drought Confidence suspected Australia include increasing frequency and intensity of drought Consequence moderate (CSIRO Bureau of Meteorology Trend increasing 2015).
Climate Change Identify and protect current and future habitat likely to remain or become suitable for Hoary Sunray under future climate conditions.
The predicted frequency and severity of climate change driven drought events is expected to increase in the region (CSIRO Bureau of Meteorology 2015).
Burning of roadsides in Vic is often undertaken by local farmers through the Country Fire Authority and has become increasingly difficult to organise (SAC 2021 pers comm 23 June).
Timing of fire is likely important; and Hoary Sunray could be negatively impacted by fire during its germination and growing season in winter and spring (DELWP 2015).
Threats The major threats to Hoary Sunray are clearing of native grasslands (land use change) on private land; a lack of biomass reduction (e.g. burning; light grazing) in productive grassland habitat in Victoria and Tasmania; road maintenance works damaging roadside subpopulations; weed invasion; drought and genetic risks associated with small; fragmented subpopulations (Table 1).