Stirling Range Beard Heath  |  

Leucopogon gnaphalioides

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list

The Stirling Range beard heath has densely hairy branches, with leaves that are dense, erect, imbricate, sub-appressed, ovate to lanceolate, both concave and convex, multi-nerved and dull grey. The leaf apex is acute. The top of the leaf is glabrous; basal inside of leaf has appressed hairs. The leaf margin has long, dense hairs. The inflorescence is comprised of a cluster of short spikes at the end of branches, branchlets are hairy, short bracts are keeled. The calyx is white, tips acute, margin has long, dense hairs or cilia. Stirling Range beard heath differs from L. elegans in having larger flowers, hairy bracts and larger, hairy leaves (Stschegleew 1859).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leucopogon gnaphalioides

    Bakers National 2009 (5) Poor Grazing; disease; fire Knob Park 2011 (5) ( ) number of seedlings juveniles number of dead Threats The most significant threat to the Stirling Range beard heath is P. cinnamomi; which was present in all known populations of the species in 2013 (DEC 2013).

    Fire Too frequent known current Most populations of the Stirling Range beard heath were burning and future burnt at least once over the 20 years to 2013.

    A fire which occurred in October 2000 burnt most populations of Stirling Range beard heath (DEC 2013).

    Prescribed Burning o Prescribed burning; and out of control fires resulting from prescribed burning; are a particular threat to threatened plant species in the Stirling Ranges.