An erect compact shrub, c. 60 cm high by 60 cm wide from a fire-sensitive rootstock. In common with most members of Leucopogon sens. lat. the corolla is white and the lobes are prominently bearded on their inner surfaces. The fruit is a somewhat fleshy drupe. Its longevity is unknown but in common with most non-lignotuberous epacrids it is likely not to be particularly long-lived. Something in the order of c. 20 years is estimated to be the upper limit (pers. observation, M. Hislop). The fleshy fruit of many epacrids (even those with relatively small fruit as here) are attractive to emus. Ants are also known to distribute the fruit of those species with smaller fruit.
Leucopogon sp. Ongerup |
Leucopogon sp. Ongerup
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Leucopogon sp. Ongerup
Provide an overview of the global population size; trends; threats and security of the species outside of Australia.
Markers are in place at Kukerin also. iii) Small population size and area of occupancy renders populations vulnerable to stochastic events (e.g. drought; fire). iv) Fire will render road verge populations vulnerable to weed invasion v) Suspected gravel sand extraction in the past but not currently affecting population 2. vi) Grazing by rabbits was noted in 2015 survey as a potential threat at Ongerup site.
NE of Road maintenance Road maintenance Inappropriate fire Liaison with Shire Kukerin regimes and Rail to raise Gravel sand awareness and extraction consider access use issues Identify and explain why additional biological characteristics particular to the species are threatening to its survival (e.g. low genetic diversity).