Alpine Tree Frog, Verreaux's Alpine Tree Frog  |  

Litoria verreauxii alpina

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

Litoria verreauxii alpina (alpine tree frog), family Hylidae, also known as Verreaux’s alpine tree frog, is relatively small, growing to approximately 3 cm in length. Colouration is highly variable, with green, brown and grey forms. Adults have a black stripe running from the nostrils, through the eyes, to the top of the foreleg, and a usually divided, broad, brown stripe starting at the eyes and extending down the back. Calling occurs in late spring and summer. The alpine tree frog does not climb well, and spends much of its time on the ground, where it feeds on a variety of arthropods.. Breeding occurs in December. The alpine tree frog lays its eggs in pools, where the tadpoles also complete their development. Tadpoles grow to approximately 4 cm and have a dark olive brown back and coppery sheen along the sides and underneath the body.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Litoria verreauxii alpina

    Climate change including increased UV B radiation (NSW OEH; 2012).