Logania diffusa, Family Loganiaceae, is a diffuse shrub 0.3Ð1 m high with spreading branches. Leaves are often on short lateral shoots, appearing crowded, more or less lacking a stalk. Leaf blades are narrowly linear, 15Ð25 mm long, 1Ð1.2 mm wide, 15Ð25 times longer than wide, moderately to densely hairy on the lower surface, hairless above. Leaf margins are rolled downwards so that only the midrib is visible on the lower surface. This species has separate male and female plants. Inflorescences are 5Ð10 flowered on male plants and 1Ð5 flowered on females. The corolla is white, 1.5Ð2 mm long, tubular for a third of its length. The fruit is dry, cylindrical to egg-shaped, 2.7Ð3 mm long, 2.2Ð2.3 mm wide. Flowering usually occurs in March to September, fruiting in January (Conn, 1995; Conn & Brown, 1996).
Logania diffusa |
Logania diffusa
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Logania diffusa
Threats The main potential threats to L. diffusa include altered fire regimes and grazing pressure (ANRA; 2007).