The ridged water-milfoil is an annual aquatic herb endemic to Victoria, where it is widely but patchily distributed across the north and north-west of the state. Population numbers are unknown though likely to fluctuate dramatically depending on seasonal rainfall in appropriate habitat. The ridged water-milfoil occurs in shallow, ephemeral and seasonal wetlands, including lakes, swamps and rock pools in granite outcrops. It grows and reproduces following autumn and early winter inundation and plants have been observed flowering in September to October and fruiting from October to November. The ridged water-milfoil is threatened by rural development, agriculture, invasive species and grazing.
Ridged Water-milfoil |
Myriophyllum porcatum
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Myriophyllum porcatum
Threats The ridged water milfoil is threatened by rural development; agriculture; invasive species; and grazing; and potentially threatened by vehicle movement and climate change.
Climate change Altered potential Altered seasonality associated with climate change is likely to seasonality threaten the ridged water milfoil through the loss of shallow ephemeral wetlands (DSE 2008).