The Nangur Spiny Skink is a spiny-scaled skink that grows to a total length of approximately 19 cm (snout-vent length of 9.5 cm). The Nangur Spiny Skink is known from only two locations in South East Queensland, about 250 km from Brisbane, which are separated by approximately 38 kilometres (Burnett Mary NRM Region). Key threats to the Nangur Spiny Skink include activities associated with pine plantation harvesting and re-planting, road maintenance, degradation of habitat and predation by feral animals, including feral pigs, cats, foxes and cane toads, and disturbance of habitat by stock and lantana.
Nangur Spiny Skink |
Nangura spinosa
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Listing Advice, Nangura spinosa
Increased fire potential caused by lantana has also been identified as a threat; particularly at Location A which already faces a high fire risk during dry summers (Couper 2006 Fensham 1994 Gentle Duggin 1977).