The Windswept Helmet-orchid is a small, tuberous terrestrial orchid, which forms small clonal groups. Its leaves are flattish, fleshy and solitary with dark green colouring above and silvery-green colouring below. The flowers are erect and green with purplish-red markings.
Windswept Helmet-orchid |
Nematoceras dienemum
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Nematoceras dienemum
This species is eligible for listing as critically endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) (EPBC Act) as it has a very restricted geographic distribution which is precarious for its survival due to its isolated location and a range of current and potential threats; such as rabbits; climate change and seal wallows (TSSC; 2009).
The main potential threat to the Windswept Helmet orchid is climate change.
Climate change is having a significant effect on Macquarie Island with an increase in temperatures of over half a degree in the past 50 years (DEW; 2007).
As the Windswept Helmet orchid only occurs in moist areas; any drying out of these areas is likely to negatively impact on the species.
Australian Government, Listing Advices, Nematoceras dienemum
The main potential threat to the species is from climate change.
Climate change is having a significant effect on Macquarie Island with an increase in temperatures of 0.5 C in the past 50 years (DEW; 2007).
The species is also subject to current and potential threats from rabbits; climate change and seal wallows.
The Committee considers that the species has a very restricted geographic distribution; which is precarious for the survival of the species due to the impacts of rabbits; climate change and sea wallows.
The Windswept Helmet orchid has a very restricted geographic distribution which is precarious for its survival due to its isolated location and being subject to a range of current and potential threats such as rabbits; climate change and seal wallows.
As the Windswept Helmet orchid only occurs in moist areas; shaded by larger plants; any drying out of these areas is likely to negatively impact on the species.