The arid bronze azure has a wingspan of 36 mm. On the upperside, both wings in males are generally dull dark purplish-bronze, with pale brown-bronze margins. The uppersides of the female wings are brown suffused with bronze, with purple basal areas. The female forewing has a double black bar and just beyond this, a small cream patch. On the underside, the male and female forewings have a series of distinctive, iridescent bluish-white bars broadly edged with brown-black, followed by a dark brown-black band. The hind wing in both sexes has a series of brown markings edged with dark brown-black. Larvae and pupae have not been described.
Arid Bronze Azure |
Ogyris subterrestris petrina
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Ogyris subterrestris petrina
Inappropriate fire regimes are a known potential threat to the population at Barbalin Nature Reserve (Williams et al.; pers. comm.; 2011).