Olearia hygrophila, Family Asteraceae, also known as Swamp Daisy or Water Daisy, is a
soft-wooded shrub with lax growth to 2 m high, supported by surrounding vegetation. The
leaves are alternate, linear-elliptic, 2.5Ð7 cm long and 0.5Ð2.5 cm wide, attenuate at the base,
and with margins entire or with a few sparse teeth. Flower heads are around 2 cm across, with
white rays and yellow disc (Stanley & Ross, 1986; Bostock & Thomas, 1992). This species is
difficult to locate in habitat until flowering, which has been recorded from July to September
with a few flowers still evident in November (Sparshott & Bostock, 1993).
Swamp Daisy, |
Olearia hygrophila
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Water Daisy
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Olearia hygrophila
Threats The main identified threats to Swamp Daisy include invasive species; inappropriate fire regimes; land clearing and human activity affecting the hydrological dynamics of the swamp.
These weeds threaten Swamp Daisy either by direct competition or by altering the habitat through lowering the water table or altering fire regimes (Bostock Sparshott; 1993).