The bridled nailtail wallaby is a medium-sized macropod that is distinctively marked, possessing a white “bridle” line running from the centre of the neck along the shoulder to behind the forearm, on each side of the body. A black dorsal stripe runs the length of the body and white cheek stripes are present on both sides of the head. The species has a horny “nail” at the tip of the tail that is between 3 – 6 mm and is partly concealed by hair. The species is sexually dimorphic with females being smaller than males. Females have an adult body weight of 4 – 6 kg and males have an adult body weight of 5 – 8 kg.
Bridled Nail-tail Wallaby |
Onychogalea fraenata
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Onychogalea fraenata
Fire Wildfire suspected Wildfire is likely to reduce vegetation cover and increase the current risk of predation.
Thus the occurrence of wildfire threatens subpopulations due to the limited number of individuals and limited area of suitable habitat for the species (Lundie Jenkins Lowry 2005).
Juveniles are prone to drought increased predation during drought; particularly from cats; as ground cover is reduced (Fisher 2000 Fisher et al.; 2001) and individuals are forced to forage in more open habitats (Fisher 2000).