Abbott's Booby  |  

Papasula abbotti

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list


Abbott’s Booby measures about 80 cm from beak to tail; has off-white plumage; black panda-like eye patches; black wings, flank marks and tails; and black outer ends to its blue webbed feet. Males have pale grey bills, tipped black, while females have black-tipped pink bills.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • IUCN Red List Assessment, Papasula abbotti

    Address threats from global climate change at national and international levels (Commonwealth of Australia 2004).

    Monitor the possible effects of climate change on the species (Commonwealth of Australia 2004).

    Breeding boobies are vulnerable to extreme weather events; as shown by the destruction of a third of monitored fledglings and nest sites by a cyclone in 1998.