The dibbler is a small carnivorous marsupial which is brownish-grey above and freckled with white, and greyish-white tinged with yellow below. Dibblers are readily distinguished by white rings around their eyes, a tapering, hairy tail, and the freckled appearance of its fur. Male dibblers can grow to 14 cm long (head and body) and their tails can grow to 11.5 cm long. Males weigh up to 100 g while the slightly smaller female weighs up to 75 g.
Dibbler |
Parantechinus apicalis
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Parantechinus apicalis
These include predation by foxes and feral cats; changed fire regimes; habitat degradation and destruction; diseases affecting food plants; competition with introduced mice and activities that cause seabirds to abandon islands; as nutrient input from seabirds is linked to post mating survival (Friend; 2004 Wolfe et al.; 2004).