The spiral-leaved patersonia is a tussock forming perennial herb that grows to 50 cm across. It is known over a range of less than 10 km, south west of Badgingarra. It is found on lateritic ridges and slopes or sand over laterite in low heath with Allocasuarina humilis, Gastrolobium spinulosum, Daviesia species, Xanthorrhoea preissii and Patersonia occidentalis. The species has a rootstock that is a spreading woody rhizome. This rootstock has allows plants to survive low level of disturbance.
Spiral-leaved Patersonia |
Patersonia spirifolia
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Patersonia spirifolia
While low intensity fires are unlikely to destroy the rhizome; frequent low intensity burning is likely to alter the structural and floristic composition of the habitat and foster weed invasion and erosion.