Long-lived, fire sensitive erect shrub 2-5 m tall, flowers yellow.
Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima |
Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Persoonia mollis subsp. maxima
Present day distribution of P. mollis subsp. maxima may be a relic of a historically larger distribution may be explained by natural climatic changes over the Australian continent (NSW NPWS 2000).
Anthropogenic climate change potentially enhances this impact and may accentuate any natural population declines that have been or are presently operating (NSW NPWS 2000).
It is a fire sensitive taxon which occurs in a fire prone habitat and is therefore an obligate seed regenerator in a 2001 study by McKenna (2007); it was found that germination only occurred in sites that burned; and was significantly higher in the medium intensity fire than for either the low intensity or partial burn fires however; a 3.5 year fire interval test on P. mollis subsp. nectens demonstrated significantly fewer seedlings following the second fire.
Historically; encroachment of urban areas on natural bushland has led to increased fire frequencies (through hazard reduction burning and arson) (Rymer et al.; 2005).
Maintenance known Several P. m. subsp. maxima individuals have been located in activities current close proximity to fire trails and urban areas; and are thus (physical threatened by fire trail maintenance and hazard reduction damage; activities. weed invasion Disturbance associated with hazard reduction includes slashing and turbo mowing ; grading of trails; and poison herbicide application on trail margins (NSW NPWS 2000).