The greater glider is the largest gliding possum in Australia, with a head and body length of 35−46 cm and a long furry tail measuring 45−60 cm. The greater glider has thick fur that increases its apparent size. Its fur colour is white or cream below and varies from dark grey, dusky brown through to light mottled grey and cream above. It has large furry ears and a short snout. Its tail is not prehensile.
Greater Glider |
Petauroides volans
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Petauroides volans
Cumulative effects of clearing and logging activities; current burning regimes and the impacts of climate change are a major threat to large hollow bearing trees on which the species relies.
Climate change Severe Large (future Biophysical modelling indicates a threat) severe range contraction for the northern subspecies (Kearney et al.; 2010).
The population of the greater glider is declining due to habitat loss; fragmentation; extensive fire and some forestry practices; and this decline is likely to be exacerbated by climate change (Kearney et al.; 2010).
This area is probably continuing to decline due to further clearing; fragmentation impacts; fire and some forestry activities.
The greater glider is also sensitive to wildfire (Lunney 1987 Andrews et al.; 1994 Lindenmayer et al.; 2011); and is slow to recover following major disturbance (Kavanagh 2004).
Continue to model impacts of wildfire and logging Medium on population viability.