The Cape York rock-wallaby is grey-brown above, with the rest of the body a paler sandy brown to buff. It has a pale to buff cheek-stripe, and a mid-dorsal head-stripe extends down to its upper back. Its tail is darker than the body towards the base, with a slight brush at the tip. The increasing density of grey-white hairs towards the tip of the tail results in a distinct silvery tail tip in most specimens. Males have a head and body length of 54−56 cm and a tail length of 48−54 cm; females are slightly smaller.
Cape York Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale coenensis
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Petrogale coenensis
In some areas habitat quality has been reduced by livestock and changes to fire regimes (Eldridge et al.; 2008).