Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby (central-western Queensland)  |  

Petrogale xanthopus celeris

Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list

The yellow-footed rock-wallaby (central-western Queensland) is fawn-grey above and white below, with a black mid-dorsal stripe from the crown of its head to the centre of its back, and a buff-white side stripe. It has a distinct white cheek stripe, grey-brown ears, and light orangebrown above the eyes. Its forearms, hindlegs and base of its tail are a light orange-brown. It has a head and body length of 56−60 cm and a tail length of 56−67 cm. The tail is orange-brown with irregular dark brown annulations, with a dark-brown or white tip.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Petrogale xanthopus celeris

    Climate change Moderate Entire Recruitment and population increase mainly occurs in good seasons longer periods of low rainfall may substantially reduce population viability (A.
    Too frequent; Moderate Minor Extensive fires at particular times (e.g. at extensive or the beginning of long dry periods when intense burning regrowth is slow) could be detrimental to these refuge dependent animals that can t travel far without risk of predation (Tuft et al.; 2012).