Ooline is a very slow growing medium-sized tree that generally grows to 10 m high, but occasionally reaching 25 m (NSW OEH 2014f). A particularly large specimen was recorded as being 28 m tall and with a 3.8 m circumference at breast height (Benson 1993). The species has glossy leaves with prominent venation that grow to 2-4 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide and with broadly rounded tips. The upper sides of the leaves are darker and glossier than the undersides. The white flowers are small and usually single. Each flower produces a cluster of up to five rounded, brown berries, 3-5 mm wide (NSW OEH 2014f).
Philotheca papillata |
Philotheca papillata
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Philotheca papillata
There is a risk of decline in Philotheca papillata if the population experiences ongoing high frequency fire including that associated with climate change.
All individuals of P. papillata are found in small patches that are likely to be concurrently impacted by a single fire event.
Elements of the fire regime; other than high frequency; may also affect this species; most notably out of Established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act Locked Bag 5022 Parramatta NSW 2124 (02) 9585 scientific.committee environment.nsw.gov.au NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee season fires.
Other Rutaceae species have been shown to be sensitive to fire season in their post fire germination responses (McKenzie et al. 2016 Miller et al. 2019).
Other Rutaceae; such as Boronia species; have been shown to exhibit germination responses sensitive to fire season (Mackenzie et al. 2017).