The Three Hummock Leek-orchid is a small, fleshy, terrestrial orchid with a solitary erect leaf that is 12-40 cm long and 3-5 mm wide. Flowers are widely spaced to moderately dense along a flower spike 15-30 cm tall. Flowers are brownish-green to purplish-green in colour with a dark purple labellum, 4.5-5.5 mm long that is broad at its base, constricted and sharply recurved near the middle and has a tapered point. The other petals and the sepals are 5-7 mm long.
Three Hummock Leek-orchid |
Prasophyllum atratum
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Prasophyllum atratum
Potential threats to the Three Hummock Leek orchid include loss of pollinators and associated mycorrhizal fungi and the effect of climate change on rainfall patterns impacting on habitat.
Australian Government, Listing Advices, Prasophyllum atratum
The small size of the population 78 may also be insufficient to sustain pollinators and associated mycorrhizal fungi. 79 Climate change is a potential threat as changes in the rainfall pattern may lead to the habitat 80 becoming unsuitable for the species and associated pollinators and mycorrhizal fungi. 82 9.
This habitat is potentially 122 subject to decline in quality if an appropriate disturbance regime is not maintained. 123 As discussed under Criterion 1; the Three Hummock Leek orchid may have experienced a 124 decline and this decline may continue due to current and potential threats; including 125 inappropriate airstrip maintenance activities; inappropriate disturbance; loss of pollinators and 126 climate change.
Ongoing threats such as inappropriate 143 disturbance and potential threats of inappropriate airstrip maintenance activities and potential 144 threat from climate change may cause this number to decline.