Goldsack’s Leek-orchid is a small, slender terrestrial orchid that grows 10-30 cm high. It has a single, limp leaf that is coloured red or green at its base. The flowers are green with dark purple edges and tips, and arranged in loose groups of 5-12 flowers. The leaf and stem are glabrous, and arise from a glabrous tuber. The base of the stem is enclosed in fibrous sheaths. The leaf is green, slender and long, often being longer than the raceme.
Goldsack's Leek-orchid |
Prasophyllum goldsackii
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Prasophyllum goldsackii
Threats that may be contributing to a decline in habitat quality in these small areas of remnant vegetation include over grazing; weed invasion; trampling and grazing by pest animals such as rabbits; insect damage (Bates and Weber 1990) and a reduction of rainfall due to climate changes.