The Mignonette Leek-orchid is a small terrestrial herb with a single leaf 120-200 mm in length and 3-5 mm in width, reddish at the base that stands erect but is usually withered by the time the species flowers. A single green to reddish flower stem, up to 250 mm high, holds a densely crowded 50-80 flowers. Flowers are flattened in appearance, 8-9 mm in width, 7-8 mm in length and green with tones or stripes of dark purple. The labellum is reflexed and has irregular crinkling along the edges. The flowers are sweetly scented.
Mignonette Leek-orchid |
Prasophyllum morganii
Status: Vulnerable on the EPBC Act list
Cobungra Leek-orchid; Dense Leek-orchid
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Prasophyllum morganii
Too frequent fire may pose a threat by altering the habitat; removing organic surface materials and negatively impacting pollinators and mycorrhizal agents.