A leek-orchid  |  

Prasophyllum sp. Wybong

Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list

Prasophyllum sp. Wybong (C. Phelps ORG 5269), Family Orchidaceae, is a terrestrial orchid that grows to approximately 30 cm high. It has a single, tubular, fleshy, dull-green leaf and a single flower spike with numerous fragrant flowers (Holzinger, pers. comm., 2006). Prasophyllum sp. Wybong (C. Phelps ORG 5269) is listed as critically endangered. This species is eligible for listing as critically endangered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) (EPBC Act) as it has a very restricted geographic distribution with an estimated area of occupancy of 1.5 km2. The species’ geographic distribution is precarious for its survival due to fragmentation and ongoing threats (TSSC, 2009).

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Listing Advices, Prasophyllum sp. Wybong

    Phelps ORG 5269) are habitat clearance; 61 weed invasion; vehicle traffic; inappropriate disturbance regimes; chemical drift from 62 agricultural properties; illegal collection; trampling by people and climate change.

    Climate 63 change is also likely to impact on the habitats where the species occurs. 64 Habitat clearance from mining activities and changes in land use are threats to the species; 65 with one population occurring in a proposed open cut coal mine site. 66 Weed invasion; in particular by exotic grasses; is a current threat to all populations.

    Herbicides used for weed control 80 also present a threat to the species. 81 Orchids in the wild are potentially threatened by trampling and illegal collection by people; 82 including orchid enthusiasts. 83 Climate change is a potential threat as changes in the rainfall pattern may lead to the habitat 84 becoming unsuitable for the species and associated pollinators and mycorrhizal fungi. 86 9.

    Chemical drift from agricultural properties; illegal 113 collection; trampling by people and climate change are considered potential threats. 114 Some individuals have sustained damage from vehicles and slashing while plants were in 115 flower.