The Pomonal leek-orchid produces a single, erect, hollow and tapering leaf. The flower stem emerges through a slit in the leaf, producing up to 15 tiny, upwards facing, brownish flowers. This species is endemic to western Victoria where it is restricted to a small area in the Victorian goldfields region around Stawell. Populations are found growing in open forest and heathy woodland on well drained sandy loam. In 2010, around 130 individuals were recorded from four populations. Grazing by native and introduced herbivores, road maintenance and accidental trampling are known threats to this species.
Pomonal Leek-orchid |
Prasophyllum subbisectum
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Prasophyllum subbisectum
Fire Timing and potential The specific role of fire for the Pomonal leek orchid is unknown frequency However; fires that occur in autumn; winter and spring; after the species shoots but before seed is set; may pose a threat.
Too frequent fire may pose a threat by altering the habitat; removing organic surface materials and negatively impacting pollinators and mycorrhizal agents.