Seaforth Mintbush is a small shrub growing to around 30 cm high and with sparsely to moderately hairy branches with faintly aromatic foliage and delicate purple flowers. The leaves of this species are oval to almost elliptic in shape and are 8-12 mm long, 4-6 mm wide, tapered towards the base and rounded at the tip. The leaf margins are generally smooth. The leaves are green in colour, sparsely to moderately hairy, sparsely glandular on the underside, with a very short leaf stalk. The leaf veins are not visible, except the midrib which is raised on the underside of the leaf. The flowers are a purple-mauve colour with petals approximately 1 cm long. Sepals are 4-5 mm long, the anthers have an appendage 0.6-0.9 mm long. The fruits are 1.5-1.8 mm long.
Seaforth Mintbush |
Prostanthera marifolia
Status: Critically Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Prostanthera marifolia
Another member of the genus; P. cryptandroides; is known to be fire sensitive; with recruitment occurring from the soil seed bank (Bean 2004).
Parts of one sub population are located within a Strategic Fire Advantage Zone and are subject to altered fire regimes which are moderately variable; depending on Rural Fire Service resources and weather patterns allowing for hazard reduction burning (Warringah Council; pers. comm. 2014).