Lowly Greenhood is a terrestrial herbaceous orchid that remains dormant underground as a tuber from late summer to early winter. It is a small, inconspicuous plant with pale coloured flowers. In winter this species develops a rosette of six to 10 basal leaves, which are shrivelled by the time the flowers mature. Three or four stem-sheathing bract-like leaves form above the rosette leaves.
Lowly Greenhood |
Pterostylis despectans
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Pterostylis despectans
Too frequent fire will lead to loss of this litter and potential negative impacts on the species.
Too frequent fire may negatively impact on pollinators.
Too frequent fire that results in a depletion of the leaf litter needs to be carefully controlled to avoid adverse impacts upon the plant.