Semotrachia euzyga, Family Camaenidae, is a small yellow-brown camaenid land snail, with a shell diameter of about 8 mm and a slightly elevated spire. Camaenid snails typically become mature in their second wet season and may live for 10–15 years.
a land snail |
Semotrachia euzyga
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Semotrachia euzyga
The species is being impacted upon by the changed fire regime that has resulted from exotic Buffel Grass invading its habitat; and by urban development occurring in and round Alice Springs.
Australian Government, Listing Advice, Semotrachia euzyga
It is suspected that this changed fire regime will adversely affect Semotrachia euzyga and its habitat.
The species is being impacted upon by the changed fire regime that has resulted from exotic Buffel Grass invading its habitat; and by urban development occurring in and round Alice Springs.