The Shrublands and Woodlands of the eastern Swan Coastal Plain ecological community is a woodland mainly on the transitional soils of the Ridge Hill Shelf, on the Swan Coastal Plain adjacent to the Darling Scarp, and extends onto the alluvial clays deposited on the eastern fringe of the Swan Coastal Plain, and also into adjacent aeolian deposits.
Shrublands and Woodlands of the eastern Swan Coastal Plain
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Approved Conservation Advice for Shrublands and Woodlands of the eastern Swan Coastal Plain
Altered fire regimes Fires are likely to have a significant effect on the vegetation composition in Mediterranean ecosystems such as those in the south west of Western Australia (Abbott and Burrows 2003).
In addition; the risk of fire is increased by the presence of grassy weeds in the understorey; as they are likely to be more flammable than the original native species in the herb layer.
The fire frequency in Talbot Road Bushland has been very high recently.
Fire within Occurrence 2 at Bushmead Rifle Range would increase weed levels but also may induce germination of seed stored within the soil.