The name Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain (A.S. George 17182) was placed on the census of
Western Australian plants in 2007 to account for a number of specimens from the Mundijong– Pinjarra area that were somewhat intermediate between S. petiolaris subsp. petiolaris and S. gracillima, and which had been left unclassified by Alex George in his treatment of the genus in 1995 (the specimens were identified only as ‘Synaphea sp.’ on labels). Field investigations found these specimens to belong to an entity that is sympatric with S. petiolaris subsp. petiolaris
and parapatric with S. gracillima at a number of localities, and which could be distinguished from these species during the flowering/fruiting stages. At some field sites S. sp. Pinjarra Plain was also found to be the only Synaphea taxon present.
Club-leafed Synaphea |
Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Synaphea sp. Pinjarra Plain
Inappropriate fire regimes Climate change West Coolup Shire Crown 2012 4 19m2 Very good Past As above reserve Weeds Habitat fragmentation (due to land clearing) Road; rail construction and maintenance Changes in hydrology (local changes to drainage systems) Current Weeds Appendix A Future Weeds Herbicide spread Bushfire mitigation operations Climate change Active recreation Keysbrook Road; rail 2012 37 759m2 Degraded to good Past As above reserve rail Weeds Crown reserve Habitat fragmentation (due to land clearing) Road; rail construction and maintenance Changes in hydrology (local changes to drainage systems) Current Weeds Fragmented habitat Active recreation Exposed habitat Future Weeds Herbicide spread Road; rail maintenance and construction Phytophthora spp.
Inappropriate fire regimes Climate change Exposed habitat Appendix A Serpentine Road; rail 2011 12 394 6;173m2 Very good to Past As above reserves NR degraded 2014 NR Weeds subpopulation Habitat fragmentation mature plant count (due to land clearing) increased from Road; rail construction and (2012) to maintenance Changes in hydrology (local changes to drainage systems) Current Weeds Powerline maintenance Herbicide spread Fragmented habitat Rubbish dumping Road and rail maintenance Grazing Active recreation Exposed habitat Inappropriate fire regimes Future Weeds Herbicide spread Road; rail maintenance and construction Phytophthora spp.
Inappropriate fire regimes Climate change Appendix A Mundijong Cardup Road; rail 2012 71 970m2 Excellent to good Past As above reserves Weeds Crown reserve (Government Habitat fragmentation requirements) (due to land clearing) Road; rail construction and maintenance Changes in hydrology (local changes to drainage systems) Current Weeds Powerline maintenance Herbicide spread Fragmented habitat Rubbish dumping Road and rail maintenance Scale insect infestation Active recreation Exposed habitat Inappropriate fire regimes Future Weeds Herbicide spread Road; rail maintenance and construction Inappropriate fire regimes Climate change Form to nominate a Western Australian species for listing as threatened; change of category or delisting 2012 (updated 2016).
Pinjarra Plain occurs in six locations when considering fire as the most serious plausible threat at one point in time.
A real threat of too frequent fire is also highly likely along the road and rail reserves.