Shy Albatross  |  

Thalassarche cauta

Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list

Originally named Diomedea cauta (Gould 1840), this species was considered polytypic until it was placed in the genus Thalassarche and elevated to a separate species as Thalassarche cauta (Shy Albatross). There has been some debate about whether Thalassarche cauta should be recognised as separate species. A major review of the genetic, morphological, and behavioural evidence concerning the species concluded that the available data warranted recognition of Thalassarche cauta at the species level (ACAP 2006; Double 2006; DoEE 2019). Recognition of Thalassarche cauta at the species level is now widely supported.

Government evidence of impact of climate change:

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  • Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Thalassarche cauta

    The species is susceptible to additional external mortality events; such as bycatch in fisheries; climate change; and stochastic events (Baker et al. 2007 Alderman et al. 2011 Alderman 2012 Phillips et al. 2016).
    Climate change Temperature Potential Warmer air temperatures during the breeding season are rise predicted to lead to declining breeding success on Albatross Island; which will become more pronounced under future climate change scenarios (Thomson et al. 2015).
    Disease links with climate change are likely (Thomson et al. 2015).
    Climate change is predicted to negatively affect the Shy Albatross subpopulation on Albatross Island (Thompson et al. 2015).
    The outputs from an age ; stage ; and sex structured population model developed by Thomson et al. (2015) predict a decline in the Albatross Island subpopulation due to climate change effects.
    Comparable climate change effects are inferred for the Mewstone and Pedra Branca subpopulations; based on predicted climate change impacts at similar latitudes to these breeding sites (White et al. 2010).