The Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens ecological community is usually defined by the presence or absence of Sphagnum spp. on a peat substratum. It is found in small pockets across alpine, subalpine and some montane areas of Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.
the Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens ecological community
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Approved Conservation Advice for the Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens ecological community
The other significant threat to the Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and Associated Fens ecological community is climate change.
However; the greatest threat to this ecological community is climate change.
This means that the effectiveness of all actions proposed is contingent on definitive steps being taken to arrest global climate change.