Typhonium jonesii is a perennial herb that propagates by underground bulbs or tubers which sprout and flower more than once. The leaf blade is deeply trilobed, with a large central lobe and two smaller lobes extending outwards from the base of the leaf. The leaf segments are linear. A pale mauve-cream spathe or bract encloses or spreads from the base of the flower spike, emerging along with new season leaves.
Typhonium jonesii |
Typhonium jonesii
Status: Endangered on the EPBC Act list
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
Australian Government, Conservation Advice, Typhonium jonesii
Threats The main potential threats to Typhonium jonesii include clearing for forestry (Woinarksi et al.; 2003a) habitat disturbance by feral animals (water buffalos Bubalus bubalis); cattle; horses (Equus caballus) and pigs (Sus scrofa) (Woinarksi et al.; 2003a TSSC; 2006) weed invasion (mission grass Pennisetum polystachion and gamba grass Andropogon gayanus) (Fensham Cowie; 1998; cited in Woinarksi et al.; 2003a) and inappropriate fire regimes (Kerrigan Cowie; 2006).