The Warrumbungle National Park forms an extensive and spectacular geomorphological site, and the bold volcanic landforms are unrivalled anywhere else in Australia. The landscape of spires, domes, plugs and dykes is uncommon in Australia, and the sharp rise of the landform from the surrounding plain to heights of more than 700 metres contributes to the aesthetic drama. The Warrumbungles represent one of the best examples of a number of central shield volcanoes along the east coast of Australia, and have a wide array of outstanding volcanic features, including domes, plugs, dykes, sills, lava-flows, tuff layers, and horizontal and vertical columns. Some of the spectacular and well-known volcanic features of the Warrumbungles include the Breadknife, a narrow 90 metre high dyke that stretches for half a kilometre; Bluff Mountain, a trachyte dome with a near-vertical face 250 metres high, and Belougery Spire, a plug that illustrates horizontal trachyte columns. The Warrumbungles are in a transition zone between the arid western and wetter coastal zones, and are of significance as a refugium in inland south-east Australia that supports exceptionally high numbers of species when compared to most other inland places in southern Australia.
Warrumbungle National Park
Government evidence of impact of climate change:
NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, Warrumbungle National Park Plan of Management
Projections of future changes in climate for NSW include higher temperatures; increasing sea levels and water temperatures; elevated CO2; more intense but possibly reduced annual average rainfall; increased temperature extremes and higher evaporative demand.
Climate change may significantly affect biodiversity by changing population size and distribution of species; modifying species composition; and altering the geographical extent of habitats and ecosystems.
Programs to reduce the pressures arising from other threats; such as habitat fragmentation; invasive species; bushfires; pollution and urban expansion; will help reduce the severity of the effects of climate change.
Desired Outcome The effects of climate change on natural systems are reduced.
However; inappropriate fire regimes can lead to loss of particular plant and animal species and communities; and high frequency fires have been listed as a key threatening process under the TSC Act.
The power line is under continual threat from overhanging or falling branches and trees and this situation has worsened in the recent drought which has caused the death of many large trees.